a way to reveal and resolve your tensions

Russian massage


À l’intérieur de nous, des barrages internes prennent forme, se manifestant par des tensions physiques. Imaginez des zones de notre corps se rigidifiant, telles des portes se verrouillant dans un château assiégé. Ces zones entravent la libre circulation et se déconnectent de notre respiration. Nos réseaux corporels deviennent obstrués, perturbant ainsi les interactions entre nos organes. Cela conduit à une détérioration de notre équilibre interne, où l’énergie ne circule plus librement mais se trouve bloquée ou stagnante.

Habituellement, nous opérons de cette manière, en compartimentant involontairement et en ne prenant conscience que des symptômes superficiels. Chacun d’entre nous vit avec certaines limitations, influencées par nos vulnérabilités individuelles : douleurs abdominales, ulcères, sinusites, calvitie, myopie, restrictions de mobilité, maux de dos, pour n’en nommer que quelques-unes.


Russian massage, a deep muscle massage, is a way to reveal and resolve these tensions. To release stiff areas, the masseur uses various tools (stepping, harmonic rocking, whips, long sticks, short sticks, etc.), to soften, knead the body, oxygenate. The method is intended to achieve better well-being. The less tension our body harbors, the more it can exercise its regenerative capacities.

In Russian massage, pain is our ally. Without it, how would we know where the tensions in our body are concentrated? By gradually compressing the areas of muscular tension and remaining there, the masseur reveals them, bringing them to the consciousness of the person being massaged. Thus the tensions come to light and are identified; they can therefore begin to dissipate.

However, the first reaction of the massed is resistance. As incredible as it may seem, we cling to our tensions, because we live with them, they are familiar to us, they are well known to us. Thus, initially, the body stiffens, as if threatened.

Then the body discovers that this pain can only be tolerated by relaxing, releasing those areas of stress and letting it go. As in the half-light of a virgin forest, the massaged person finds his way which leads him to cross the intensity of the pain and to dissipate it. And this, thanks to a “magical” tool: breathing. The more you breathe, the more the tension will be released. The less the body protects itself, the more the mind relaxes.


Russian massage is above all a massage of listening, revelation and healing. It is in the masseur/massaged relationship that it takes its source and not in the techniques. By his truth and his know-how, the masseur will generate confidence in the person he is massaging to allow him to let go of his tensions. Without this confidence, the massed will not be able to relax and therefore will not be able to heal.

Likewise, the tensions of the masseur are reflected in the massage he gives. He must then work constantly to release his own tensions to open his heart, grow in listening, dare to offer himself. More and more accurate in his massage, he knows how to recognize the limit of massage, his own limits, the pain threshold not to be exceeded. It becomes freer and more balanced. It is in the virtuous circle of this growing and reciprocal confidence that in turn grows the confidence of the massed. The Russian massage then becomes a spiritual act. An act of mutual healing that depends more on the ability to give of oneself, on the love of one's neighbor than on any technique.

 Prices and benefits:


Temps de la ou les séance(s) unique 1h00’ :

– With subscription

ALL INCLUSIVE = Gratuit 1x chaque 2 mois


– With subscription

GOLD = CHF 40.- chf


– With subscription

SILVER = CHF 60.-chf


– With subscription

BRONZE = CHF 80.-chf


– Non membre = CHF 130.- chf


IMMERSIVE MODE = At least over 8 hours (over 2-3 days in a row) / Au maximum 24h’ (about 4-5 days in a row)

** Plus l’immersion est conséquante, plus vous profitrez de :

Attractive discount 💯

– D’une immersion total 🌀

– De résultat rapide et d’une progression fulgurante 📈

– One or more participants who can accompany you 🤝

– Possibility to film 📽

– Access to all our group lessons during the month of the immersive period ⭐️

(a full quote will be provided)

  • Shift :
    If we move costs are incurred
    Example :
    Sion – Lausanne = 95km
    Lausanne-Sion = 95km
    Total = 190km x 1.20 = 228.- CHF

    You will benefit from:

    • D’un certificat d’initiation et quelques cadeaux de notre shop.